Saturday, August 2, 2008

Saturday Caturday: Up, Close & Very Personal!

Glad to be back after long pause. As usual, mommy has gotten herself being bitten by the Busy Monstrous! What a classic excuse Mommy...

Today, we'd love to just have some fun by posing ourselves: Up, Close & Very Personal for our dearest friends to enjoy.

Dixie, The Sniffer

(because I love to sniff here & there many times,

especially being around with mommy)

Myorie, The Kisser

(kissing is my number one hobby,

especially kissing mommy all over her face & lips!!)

Fatum, Masseur Kitty

(I've been specialsed in giving massage to human thighs

with extra special service, accunpuncture!)

Brutum, Masseur Kitty

(I'm Fatum Masseur Mate, together we have the same exquisite skills!)

Fati, The Lover Boy

(I've been blessed by abundant Love and Compassion,

that's why I love sharing my love for those little brad kitties,

they need love desperately due to Mommy Bunyu had been wondered off)

Zoju, the youngest tiny mancat

(I love being adventureous, and warm to any cats and kitties...)

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